Nhờ chuyển code từ tradingview sang ami với ạ

Thảo luận trong 'Bàn luận về Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader 4' bắt đầu bởi Nguyen duc phu, 26/11/23.

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  1. Nguyen duc phu

    Nguyen duc phu New Member

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    Bác nào biết chuyển code từ tradingview sang ami giúp mình với ạ
    Thấy tradingview có code mới ra tỉ lệ win cao lắm
    Nguyen duc phu, via a mobile device, 26/11/23
  2. Đang tải...

    Bài viết tương tự Diễn đàn Date
    nhờ các cao thủ giúp đỡ code amibroker về volume Bàn luận về Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader 4 22/10/24
    Bác nào làm 1 nhóm Zalo T+ lướt sóng cho cộng đồng vào chém cho vui chứ, nhớ add mình vào đấy Bàn luận về Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader 4 18/9/24
    Nhờ các bác cao thủ sửa giúp e đoạn code sau Bàn luận về Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader 4 24/6/24
    Nhờ mọi người giải ngố về thông số Stochastic trên Amibroker Bàn luận về Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader 4 21/6/24
    Nhờ giúp viết đoạn code lọc kết quả kinh doanh quý I năm 2024 cho AmiBroker Bàn luận về Amibroker, Metastock, Metatrader 4 27/4/24

  3. Bulubuloa87

    Bulubuloa87 Well-Known Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Code là code gì? code nào?
    Bạn không tin thì sao mà giúp được.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/11/23
  4. Đinh Triết

    Đinh Triết Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
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    Mình thấy code Elliott Wave Chart Pattern khá hay. Vẽ trước sóng về đâu luôn á
  5. lê văn huấn

    lê văn huấn Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Giới tính:
    Bạn có thể update Code Elliott Wave Chart Pattern lên được không ạ
  6. Đinh Triết

    Đinh Triết Member

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    Có bác review trong Diễn đàn, e k trả phí nên không truy cập được

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  7. Đinh Triết

    Đinh Triết Member

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    Code đây bác ạ

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  8. Bulubuloa87

    Bulubuloa87 Well-Known Member

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nếu các bạn có script của indicator trong tradingview thì mới chuyển qua afl được,
    Chứ nhìn hình thì không đoán được chữ chứ nói đến họ code thế nào mà code lại,
    còn xem ý tưởng để code thì cũng khả thi nhưng mất thời gian lắm, mà chắc gì đã đúng cái họ làm :eek:
    Làm tào lao vào thị trường còn mất nhiều tiền hơn nữa,
  9. Đinh Triết

    Đinh Triết Member

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    // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
    // © LuxAlgo

    indicator("Elliott Wave [LuxAlgo]", max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500, overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000)
    i_hi = input.string('high' , title= '' , group='source [high - low]', inline='hl', options=['high', 'close', 'max open/close'])
    i_lo = input.string('low' , title= '' , group='source [high - low]', inline='hl', options=['low' , 'close', 'min open/close'])

    s1 = input.bool (true , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '1' )
    len1 = input.int ( 4 , title= ' 1 Length', group='ZigZag' , inline= '1', minval =1 )
    col1 = input.color (color.red , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '1' )
    s2 = input.bool (true , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '2' )
    len2 = input.int ( 8 , title= ' 2 Length', group='ZigZag' , inline= '2', minval =1 )
    col2 = input.color (color.blue , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '2' )
    s3 = input.bool (true , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '3' )
    len3 = input.int (16 , title= ' 3 Length', group='ZigZag' , inline= '3', minval =1 )
    col3 = input.color (color.white , title= '' , group='ZigZag' , inline= '3' )

    i_500 = input.float (0.500 , title=' level 1', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
    i_618 = input.float (0.618 , title=' level 2', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
    i_764 = input.float (0.764 , title=' level 3', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )
    i_854 = input.float (0.854 , title=' level 4', group='Fibonacci values' , minval =0, maxval =1, step =0.01 )

    shZZ = input.bool (false , title= '' , group='show ZZ' , inline='zz' )

    //User Defined Types
    type ZZ
    int [] d
    int [] x
    float[] y
    line [] l

    type Ewave
    line l1
    line l2
    line l3
    line l4
    line l5
    label b1
    label b2
    label b3
    label b4
    label b5
    bool on
    bool br //= na
    int dir
    line lA
    line lB
    line lC
    label bA
    label bB
    label bC
    bool next = false
    label lb
    box bx

    type fibL
    line wave1_0_500
    line wave1_0_618
    line wave1_0_764
    line wave1_0_854
    line wave1_pole_
    linefill l_fill_
    bool _break_ //= na

    hi = i_hi == 'high' ? high : i_hi == 'close' ? close : math.max(open, close)
    lo = i_lo == 'low' ? low : i_hi == 'close' ? close : math.min(open, close)

    in_out(aZZ, d, x1, y1, x2, y2, col) =>
    aZZ.d.unshift(d), aZZ.x.unshift(x2), aZZ.y.unshift(y2), aZZ.d.pop(), aZZ.x.pop(), aZZ.y.pop()
    if shZZ
    aZZ.l.unshift(line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, color= col)), aZZ.l.pop().delete()

    method isSame(Ewave gEW, _1x, _2x, _3x, _4x) =>
    t1 = _1x == gEW.l1.get_x1()
    t2 = _2x == gEW.l2.get_x1()
    t3 = _3x == gEW.l3.get_x1()
    t4 = _4x == gEW.l4.get_x1()
    t1 and t2 and t3 and t4

    method isSame2(Ewave gEW, _1x, _2x, _3x) =>
    t1 = _1x == gEW.l3.get_x2()
    t2 = _2x == gEW.l4.get_x2()
    t3 = _3x == gEW.l5.get_x2()
    t1 and t2 and t3

    method dot(Ewave gEW) =>
    gEW.b1.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.b2.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.b3.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.b4.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.b5.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.on := false

    method dash(Ewave gEW) =>
    gEW.bA.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.bB.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.bC.set_textcolor (color(na))
    gEW.bx.set_bgcolor (color(na))
    gEW.bx.set_border_color (color(na))

    method sol_dot(fibL nFibL, sol_dot, col) =>
    style =
    sol_dot == 'dot' ?
    line.style_dotted :
    sol_dot == 'sol' ?
    line.style_solid :

    method set(fibL nFibL, int x1, int x2, float max_500, float max_618, float max_764, float max_854, float y2) =>
    nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy1(x1, max_500)
    nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy2(x2, max_500)
    nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy1(x1, max_618)
    nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy2(x2, max_618)
    nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy1(x1, max_764)
    nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy2(x2, max_764)
    nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy1(x1, max_854)
    nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy2(x2, max_854)
    nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy1(x1, y2 )
    nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy2(x1, max_854)
    nFibL.l_fill_.get_line1().set_xy1(x1, max_764)
    nFibL.l_fill_.get_line1().set_xy2(x2, max_764)
    nFibL.l_fill_.get_line2().set_xy1(x1, max_854)
    nFibL.l_fill_.get_line2().set_xy2(x2, max_854)

    method setNa(fibL nFibL) =>
    nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy2(na, na)

    draw(enabled, left, col, n) =>
    max_bars_back(time, 2000)
    var int dir = na, var int x1= na, var float y1 = na, var int x2 = na, var float y2 = na, var Ewave gEW = na
    var int last_0x = na , var float last_0y = na , var int last_6x = na , var float last_6y = na
    if enabled
    var fibL nFibL = fibL.new(
    wave1_0_500 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 50), style= line.style_solid ),
    wave1_0_618 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 38), style= line.style_solid ),
    wave1_0_764 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 24), style= line.style_solid ),
    wave1_0_854 = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 15), style= line.style_solid ),
    wave1_pole_ = line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color.new(col, 50), style= line.style_dashed),
    l_fill_ = linefill.new(
    line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color(na))
    , line.new(na, na, na, na, color= color(na))
    , color= color(na))
    , _break_ = na
    var ZZ aZZ = ZZ.new(array.new < int > ()
    , array.new < int > ()
    , array.new < float > ()
    , array.new < line > () )
    var Ewave[] aEW = array.new < Ewave > ()
    if barstate.isfirst
    for i = 0 to 10
    aZZ.l.unshift(shZZ ? line.new(na, na, na, na) : na)
    sz = aZZ.d.size( )
    x2 := bar_index -1
    ph = ta.pivothigh(hi, left, 1)
    pl = ta.pivotlow (lo, left, 1)
    t = n == 2 ? '\n\n' : n == 1 ? '\n' : ''
    // when a new Pivot High is found
    if not na(ph)
    gEW := aEW.get (0)
    dir := aZZ.d.get (0)
    x1 := aZZ.x.get (0)
    y1 := aZZ.y.get (0)
    y2 := nz(hi[1])
    if dir < 1 // if previous point was a pl, add, and change direction ( 1)
    in_out(aZZ, 1, x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
    if dir == 1 and ph > y1
    aZZ.x.set(0, x2), aZZ.y.set(0, y2)
    if shZZ
    aZZ.l.get(0).set_xy2(x2, y2)
    _6x = x2, _6y = y2
    _5x = aZZ.x.get(1), _5y = aZZ.y.get(1)
    _4x = aZZ.x.get(2), _4y = aZZ.y.get(2)
    _3x = aZZ.x.get(3), _3y = aZZ.y.get(3)
    _2x = aZZ.x.get(4), _2y = aZZ.y.get(4)
    _1x = aZZ.x.get(5), _1y = aZZ.y.get(5)
    // –––––––––––––––––––––[ 12345 ]–––––––––––––––––––––
    _W5 = _6y - _5y
    _W3 = _4y - _3y
    _W1 = _2y - _1y
    min = math.min(_W1, _W3, _W5)
    isWave =
    _W3 != min and
    _6y > _4y and
    _3y > _1y and
    _5y > _2y
    same = gEW.isSame(_1x, _2x, _3x, _4x)
    if isWave
    if same
    gEW.l5.set_xy2(_6x, _6y)
    gEW.b5.set_xy (_6x, _6y)
    tx = ''
    if _2x == aEW.get(0).b5.get_x()
    tx := '(5) (1)'
    tx := '(1)'
    wave = Ewave.new(
    l1 = line.new (_1x, _1y, _2x, _2y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l2 = line.new (_2x, _2y, _3x, _3y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l3 = line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l4 = line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l5 = line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    b1 = label.new(_2x, _2y, text= tx + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
    b2 = label.new(_3x, _3y, text= t + '(2)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
    b3 = label.new(_4x, _4y, text= '(3)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
    b4 = label.new(_5x, _5y, text= t + '(4)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
    b5 = label.new(_6x, _6y, text= '(5)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
    on = true ,
    br = false ,
    dir = 1
    nFibL._break_ := false
    alert('New EW Motive Bullish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    if not isWave
    if same and gEW.on == true
    alert('Invalidated EW Motive Bullish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    // –––––––––––––––––––––[ ABC ]–––––––––––––––––––––
    getEW = aEW.get(0)
    last_0x := getEW.l1.get_x1(), last_0y := getEW.l1.get_y1()
    last_6x := getEW.l5.get_x2(), last_6y := getEW.l5.get_y2()
    diff = math.abs(last_6y - last_0y)
    if getEW.dir == -1
    getX = getEW.l5.get_x2()
    getY = getEW.l5.get_y2()
    isSame2 = getEW.isSame2 (_1x, _2x, _3x)
    isValid =
    _3x == getX and
    _6y < getY + (diff * i_854) and
    _4y < getY + (diff * i_854) and
    _5y > getY
    if isValid
    width = _6x - _2x // –––[ width (4) - (c) ]–––
    if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
    getEW.lC.set_xy1(_5x, _5y), getEW.lC.set_xy2(_6x, _6y), getEW.bC.set_xy(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_lefttop(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_right(_6x + width)
    getEW.lA := line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y, color=col), getEW.bA := label.new(_4x, _4y, text= '(a)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down)
    getEW.lB := line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y, color=col), getEW.bB := label.new(_5x, _5y, text= t + '(b)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up )
    getEW.lC := line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y, color=col), getEW.bC := label.new(_6x, _6y, text= '(c)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down)
    getEW.bx := box.new (_6x, _6y, _6x + width, _4y, bgcolor=color.new(col, 93), border_color=color.new(col, 65))
    alert('New EW Corrective Bullish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
    alert('Invalidated EW Corrective Bullish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    // –––––––––––––––––––––[ new (1) ? ]–––––––––––––––––––––
    if getEW.dir == 1
    if _5x == getEW.bC.get_x() and
    _6y > getEW.b5.get_y() and
    getEW.next == false
    getEW.next := true
    getEW.lb := label.new(_6x, _6y, style=label.style_circle, color=color.new(col, 65), yloc=yloc.abovebar, size=size.tiny)
    alert('Possible new start of EW Motive Bullish Wave', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    // when a new Pivot Low is found
    if not na(pl)
    gEW := aEW.get (0)
    dir := aZZ.d.get (0)
    x1 := aZZ.x.get (0)
    y1 := aZZ.y.get (0)
    y2 := nz(lo[1])
    if dir > -1 // if previous point was a ph, add, and change direction (-1)
    in_out(aZZ, -1, x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
    if dir == -1 and pl < y1
    aZZ.x.set(0, x2), aZZ.y.set(0, y2)
    if shZZ
    aZZ.l.get(0).set_xy2(x2, y2)
    _6x = x2, _6y = y2
    _5x = aZZ.x.get(1), _5y = aZZ.y.get(1)
    _4x = aZZ.x.get(2), _4y = aZZ.y.get(2)
    _3x = aZZ.x.get(3), _3y = aZZ.y.get(3)
    _2x = aZZ.x.get(4), _2y = aZZ.y.get(4)
    _1x = aZZ.x.get(5), _1y = aZZ.y.get(5)
    // –––––––––––––––––––––[ 12345 ]–––––––––––––––––––––
    _W5 = _5y - _6y
    _W3 = _3y - _4y
    _W1 = _1y - _2y
    min = math.min(_W1, _W3, _W5)
    isWave =
    _W3 != min and
    _4y > _6y and
    _1y > _3y and
    _2y > _5y
    same = isSame(gEW, _1x, _2x, _3x, _4x)
    if isWave
    if same
    gEW.l5.set_xy2(_6x, _6y)
    gEW.b5.set_xy (_6x, _6y)
    tx = ''
    if _2x == aEW.get(0).b5.get_x()
    tx := '(5) (1)'
    tx := '(1)'
    wave = Ewave.new(
    l1 = line.new (_1x, _1y, _2x, _2y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l2 = line.new (_2x, _2y, _3x, _3y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l3 = line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l4 = line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    l5 = line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y , color=col , style= line.style_solid ),
    b1 = label.new(_2x, _2y, text= t + tx, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
    b2 = label.new(_3x, _3y, text= '(2)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
    b3 = label.new(_4x, _4y, text= t + '(3)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
    b4 = label.new(_5x, _5y, text= '(4)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down),
    b5 = label.new(_6x, _6y, text= t + '(5)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up ),
    on = true ,
    br = false ,
    dir =-1
    nFibL._break_ := false
    alert('New EW Motive Bearish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    if not isWave
    if same and gEW.on == true
    alert('Invalidated EW Motive Bearish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    // –––––––––––––––––––––[ ABC ]–––––––––––––––––––––
    getEW = aEW.get(0)
    last_0x := getEW.l1.get_x1(), last_0y := getEW.l1.get_y1()
    last_6x := getEW.l5.get_x2(), last_6y := getEW.l5.get_y2()
    diff = math.abs(last_6y - last_0y)
    if getEW.dir == 1
    getX = getEW.l5.get_x2()
    getY = getEW.l5.get_y2()
    isSame2 = getEW.isSame2 (_1x, _2x, _3x)
    isValid =
    _3x == getX and
    _6y > getY - (diff * i_854) and
    _4y > getY - (diff * i_854) and
    _5y < getY
    if isValid
    width = _6x - _2x // –––[ width (4) - (c) ]–––
    if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
    getEW.lC.set_xy1(_5x, _5y), getEW.lC.set_xy2(_6x, _6y), getEW.bC.set_xy(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_lefttop(_6x, _6y), getEW.bx.set_right(_6x + width)
    getEW.lA := line.new (_3x, _3y, _4x, _4y, color=col), getEW.bA := label.new(_4x, _4y, text= t + '(a)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up )
    getEW.lB := line.new (_4x, _4y, _5x, _5y, color=col), getEW.bB := label.new(_5x, _5y, text= '(b)' + t, textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_down)
    getEW.lC := line.new (_5x, _5y, _6x, _6y, color=col), getEW.bC := label.new(_6x, _6y, text= t + '(c)', textcolor=col, color= color(na), style=label.style_label_up )
    getEW.bx := box.new (_6x, _6y, _6x + width, _4y, bgcolor=color.new(col, 93), border_color=color.new(col, 65))
    alert('New EW Corrective Bearish Pattern found' , alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    if isSame2 and getEW.bA.get_x() > _3x
    alert('Invalidated EW Corrective Bullish Pattern', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    // –––[ check (only once) for a possible new (1) after an impulsive AND corrective wave ]–––
    if getEW.dir == -1
    if _5x == getEW.bC.get_x() and
    _6y < getEW.b5.get_y() and
    getEW.next == false
    getEW.next := true
    getEW.lb := label.new(_6x, _6y, style=label.style_circle, color=color.new(col, 65), yloc=yloc.belowbar, size=size.tiny)
    alert('Possible new start of EW Motive Bearish Wave', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
    // –––[ check for break box ]–––
    if aEW.size() > 0
    gEW := aEW.get(0)
    if gEW.dir == 1
    if ta.crossunder(low , gEW.bx.get_bottom()) and bar_index <= gEW.bx.get_right()
    label.new(bar_index, low , yloc= yloc.belowbar, style= label.style_xcross, color=color.red, size=size.tiny)
    if ta.crossover (high, gEW.bx.get_top ()) and bar_index <= gEW.bx.get_right()
    label.new(bar_index, high, yloc= yloc.abovebar, style= label.style_xcross, color=color.red, size=size.tiny)
    if barstate.islast
    // –––[ get last 2 EW's ]–––
    getEW = aEW.get(0)
    if aEW.size() > 1
    getEW1 = aEW.get(1)
    last_0x := getEW.l1.get_x1(), last_0y := getEW.l1.get_y1()
    last_6x := getEW.l5.get_x2(), last_6y := getEW.l5.get_y2()
    diff = math.abs(last_6y - last_0y) // –––[ max/min difference ]–––
    _500 = diff * i_500
    _618 = diff * i_618
    _764 = diff * i_764
    _854 = diff * i_854
    bull = getEW.dir == 1
    // –––[ if EW is not valid or an ABC has developed -> remove fibonacci lines ]–––
    if getEW.on == false or getEW.bC.get_x() > getEW.b5.get_x()
    // –––[ get.on == true ~ valid EW ]–––
    max_500 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _500)
    max_618 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _618)
    max_764 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _764)
    max_854 = last_6y + ((bull ? -1 : 1) * _854)
    nFibL.set(last_6x, bar_index + 10, max_500, max_618, max_764, max_854, last_6y)
    // –––[ if (2) label overlap with (C) label ]–––
    if getEW.b2.get_x() == getEW1.bC.get_x()
    strB = getEW1.bB.get_text()
    strC = getEW1.bC.get_text()
    strB_ = str.replace(strB, "(b)", "(b) (1)", 0)
    strC_ = str.replace(strC, "(c)", "(c) (2)", 0)
    // –––[ check if fib limits are broken ]–––
    getP_854 = nFibL.wave1_0_854.get_y1()
    for i = 0 to bar_index - nFibL.wave1_0_854.get_x1()
    if getEW.dir == -1
    if high > getP_854
    nFibL._break_ := true
    if low < getP_854
    nFibL._break_ := true
    switch nFibL._break_
    true => nFibL.sol_dot('dot', color.new(color.red , 95))
    false => nFibL.sol_dot('sol', color.new(color.lime, 95))
    nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_500.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_618.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_764.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_0_854.set_xy2(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy1(na, na)
    nFibL.wave1_pole_.set_xy2(na, na)

    if aEW.size() > 15
    pop = aEW.pop()
    pop.l1.delete(), pop.b1.delete()
    pop.l2.delete(), pop.b2.delete()
    pop.l3.delete(), pop.b3.delete()
    pop.l4.delete(), pop.b4.delete()
    pop.l5.delete(), pop.b5.delete()
    pop.lA.delete(), pop.bA.delete()
    pop.lB.delete(), pop.bB.delete()
    pop.lC.delete(), pop.bC.delete()
    pop.lb.delete(), pop.bx.delete()

    draw(s1, len1, col1, 0)
    draw(s2, len2, col2, 1)
    draw(s3, len3, col3, 2)

  10. Đinh Triết

    Đinh Triết Member

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